28 October 2010

Just the way you are

Call me a crusty old cynic but the Bruno Mars song, Just the way you are, is a complete crock.

In case you haven’t heard it, Bruno thinks his girlfriend’s got a bit of a self-esteem issue, so when she wants to know if she looks all right, he launches in to an effusive litany of saccharine praise to boost her fragile sense of self-worth.

HIonestly, if he did this in real life, she’d think he was being sarcastic, wonder if he crashed the car on his way home from the pub last night and was working up to telling her, or this would happen:

Girl – Do I look okay?

Bruno –When I see your face, there's not a thing that I would change, ‘cause you're amazing just the way you are. And when you smile, the whole world stops and stares for a while, ‘cause, girl, you're amazing just the way you are.

Girl – Tosser.

Guys, while on the one hand telling your lady her bum does indeed look fat in that outfit falls in to the category of assisted suicide, blurting out a whole catalogue of her strong points makes you look a) facetious, b) guilty or c) lame.

Go for the middle ground. Tell her she looks great the three times she asks (Is this okay? Really? Are you sure?) and move on.

Image: graur codrin



  2. Always delighted to provide your daily dose of mirth.

  3. Could you tell her she looks, "fine" or would this be wading into dangerous territory of the conundrum highlighted by The Great White Steed?
