24 October 2010

40+, undignified and lovin' it

Apparently kids think it’s not cool for their 40-something parents to giggle or move at a clip beyond a fast walk.

What a load of crap.

Here are some other things you can do, even when you’re 40+:

1. Use social media
Okay, your kids will probably only ‘friend’ you on their sanitised Facebook pages but texting, Twitter and networking sites like LinkedIn are not only fun, they can also be a practical way of staying in touch and in the loop.

2. Look sexy
Avoid trendy gear, short shorts (even if you have great legs) and anything baggy. Maintenance is your friend – wax, manicure, hair. Refresh your style as your body changes and dress to add va va voom to your best assets.

3. Get fit
Even if you haven’t done a scrap of exercise since you were dragged, kicking and screaming, to your high school PE class, it’s not too late. Now is the perfect time to counteract the effects of gravity with some muscle tone; and to balance out the demands of your busy life with a fitness program just for you.

4. Make new friends
Yes, your old friends are comfortable like your fav pair of trackies but it’s okay to widen your circle of acquaintances. Meeting new people opens you up to new networks and fresh experiences. You don’t have to stop growing just because you’ve been around the block a time or two.

5. Sort your finances
If your money’s in a mess, it’s never too late to tidy it up. If you really don’t know where to start, see a financial planner. But you probably do know – you just don’t like it.

6. Par-tay
Frock up, get tiddly, shake your booty, sing karaoke, eat pizza. It's okay to let your hair down.

7. Learn stuff
Surfing, tax law or anyting in between  – your brain does not atrophy once the big four-oh hits.

8. Get that promotion
You’re perfect for that role you’re eyeing off. Don’t buy in to the myth that you’ll be overlooked as ‘past it’. At 40 you have the wisdom and experience to know how to do the job properly – and you still have the energy to make it happen.

9. Be undignified
Snort with laughter, tell fart jokes, have tickle fights and – yes – giggle and run. It’s healthy to let loose from time to time. Just keep in mind a first date or the board room might not be the best environment.


  1. Well u know what they say..a giggle a day keeps the teenager away :-) (with any luck!)

  2. Okay. So, I giggled until my eyes bulged, my breath stopped and I thought I might actually vomit. But she was still there. Clearly, I'm missing something...

  3. I don't think thats giggling..its sounds like hysteria :-)

  4. You might jusy be on to something there. Goes with the territory.

  5. Just do your witchy cackle Monstress :) That will definitely scar the teen away!
