23 November 2010

20 differences between men and women

Okay, there are some fairly obvious differences between the sexes, like a man has a penis and a woman is grateful she doesn't. Here are twenty differences that are not so outstanding:

1. In general, women are paid less than men, except in one field: modelling.

2. When a woman yawns, she covers her mouth with the palm of her hand; a man usually covers his mouth with his fist.

3. The World Health Organisation reports that women have a 78% greater chance of becoming blind than men (this is probably because they live longer).

4. When a woman gets dressed, she puts on a top before her bottoms. Men put pants on first.

5. Men make decisions by stripping away all the ‘muddying’ details and focusing on the bare bones – that’s their idea of the big picture. Women believe you can’t understand the big picture without complexity and context.

6. A woman has larger kidneys and a larger liver, stomach and appendix than a man, but smaller lungs.

7. Sex is more physical for men and more emotional for women.

8. Women can dance with each other even if they’re not gay but straight men don’t usually dance together.

9. Although 58% of the world’s TV news readers are women, only 21% of news subjects are about females.

10. Men have more car crashes than women; and crashes men cause lead to more severe injuries.

11. 60–75% of women prefer feeling and 55–80% of men prefer thinking.

12. 93% of deaths on the job involve men.

13. Women never shudder when a male character gets kicked in the groin in a movie.

14. More males than females are diagnosed with autism and Asperger syndrome.

15. Price discrimination favours men and women in different scenarios. For example, some nightclubs offer free entry for women, while many hairdressers offer cheaper haircuts for men.

16. Both men and women rank kindness and intelligence as the two most important qualities in a partner. But men value beauty and youth next, while women value financial and social status next.

17. Men generally compete in sports that require muscle and strength, while women generally compete in sports that require flexibility and finesse.

18. As children, girls more interested in toys with faces than boys are; boys are drawn to blocks or anything they can manipulate.

19. Women hear better than men – a dripping tap will get a woman out of bed before a man even wakes up.

20. According to Playboy, more women talk dirty during sex than men.

Image: healingdream and doctored by The Monstress


  1. Oh Dear I fail again 8 out of 20

  2. Women don’t pay any attention to dubious lists of alleged gender differences concocted by desperate bloggers for the entertainment of the masses.
