12 October 2010

I hate Comic Sans

Comic Sans is evil. There is no reason to use it. Ever.

Comic Sans is not just sans serif. It’s also sans class, style and charisma. It is a horrible insipid weevil burrowing its nasty little way through the fabric of desktop publishing and decaying the very heart of graphic design. I've encountered pus that is less offensive than this vile font.

For decades, this noodly, wormy little bête noire has featured in charmless amateur publications worthy only of incineration. It is so recognisable and so closely aligned with twee design elements like bubblegum pink thought clouds and 3D rainbow Word Art, that it has developed a reputation for superlative ugliness it will never divest (especially if I have anything to do with it).

Being a primary school teacher or a child care centre worker is no excuse for employing this atrocious, unworthy font. It doesn’t make your worksheet look friendly – it makes your worksheet look as though your four-year-old designed it - in a hurry - blindfolded.

Speaking of four-year-olds, children’s hands should be smacked every time their mouses hover over this option in the font list (I am not one for physical punishment but the ‘hot plate rule’ surely applies here).

If you are writing a church flyer, you should know better. Comic Sans is the work of the devil and will suck your soul right out through your keyboarding fingertips.

And using Comic Sans for a business purpose looks cheaper than a welcome mat tattoo.

If you use Comic Sans, no one will take you seriously. This font is the typographical equivalent of clown shoes, Lindsay Lohan and alcopop.

If you send out an invitation in Comic Sans, nobody will come to your event. Your invitees will all stay at home shaking their heads and sniggering at your immaturity.

If you send a blackmail demand in Comic Sans, the victim will just laugh at you.

It's time the world realised that Comic Sans is not cute. It’s not fun. It's just plain fugly.

Don't use it.

(You can have your say about Comic Sans in the poll on the right.)



    Don't worry, I share your passion also. When teachers email us work and it is in Comic sans font I change it straight way :)

  2. This is probably not the bestest place to admit this, but I had a phase with Comic Sans (like ten years back when the international informal font library was at an all time low). Now I am proud to say it kinda VERY MUCH SUCKS. Poll done. Guess my vote HAH! You should create a Facebook Page for this. Might make you famous and cause the total annihilation of the font itself!

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your font affliction ten years back. How dreadful for you! They say time heals all wounds, so let's hope you have recovered from the trauma and that the inevitable emotional scarring has made you a stronger and better person.

    A pox on the pox that is Comic Sans, I say!

    Thanks for your vote!
