Here are ten other sneezing truths:
1. Sneezes travel at about 160 kilometres an hour.
2. A single sneeze can send 100,000 germs into the air.
3. You don't sneeze in your sleep.
4. Thomas Edison used his early movie-camera technology to film sneezes (weird fetish, much?).
5. The longest sneezing spree was 978 days, a record set by Donna Griffiths of Worcestershire, England.
6. The word 'sternutation' sounds like a serious medical procedure, but it’s really just the technical way of saying ‘sneezing’.
7. Iguanas sneeze more often than any other animal.
8. You can’t sneeze with your eyes open – and no one knows why.
9. If you have a rare genetic disorder called ‘snatiation’*, you'll sneeze after eating a big meal.
10. Some people reckon saying ‘lamp’ or ‘cucumber’ repeatedly after sensing a sneeze on the way, stops it from happening. And saying 'wigwam' or 'aerodynamics' after having sex, stops pregnancy from happening.**
Sneeze personality test
Here’s a quick personality test, designed by Patti Wood, based on your sneezing habits (I kid you not!). Which of these best describes you?
• The Correct carries Kleenex and is careful to cover her mouth when sneezing, meaning she’s respectful of others and likes to maintain a dignified disposition.
• The Supporter tends to hold in sneezes rather than risk sneezing on someone, which indicates a quiet and caring character.
• The Expressive makes a big production out of sneezing and often sneezes multiple times at once, possibly making her a showy and dominating person.
• The Driver sneezes loudly but quickly, making her direct and forward-thinking.
*’Snatiation’ is an backronym for ‘Sneezing Non-controllably at a Time of Indulgence of the Appetite- a Trait Inherited and Ordained to Be Named’,
**If any teens or stupid people are reading this, that was a joke, okay? Not genuine contraception advice.
Lew's sneeze meaning:
ReplyDeleteThe Expressive makes a big production out of sneezing and often sneezes multiple times at once,(LOUDLY) possibly making her a showy and dominating person.
hehe...shhhhh I didn't post this :P