When men were asked if they found a sense of humour attractive in women, most said yes. But when they were asked if they would want to be with a woman who cracked jokes herself, the answer was a resounding no.
When choosing between humour production and humour appreciation in potential partners, women valued humour production, whereas men valued receptivity to their own humour. (Shrinks say, the ability to be funny indicates intelligence. While women find this attractive and a little dangerous in men, men find it intimidating and downright threatening in women.)
So, lassies, if he says he wants you to have a sense of humour, he means he wants you to laugh blondely at his 'witty repartee', not crack hilarious bloke jokes like this one:
A woman didn't come home one night. When her man asked her the following day where she'd been she said she spent the night at a girlfriend's house. The bloke was a bit suspicious so he rang her ten closest friends, but none of them had seen her. The following week, the man didn't come home one night. The woman asked him where he'd been. The man said he got a bit drunk at a mate's place and thought it was safer not to drive when drunk. The woman didn’t believe him so she rings his ten best mates. Eight of them said he spent the night there and two claimed he was still there.
(That’s okay, cowboy, with a cowardly attitude like that, I wouldn't want to date you anyway.)
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