Nail polish is great. It’s quick and cheap but still gives you that ‘finished’ look. Because polish doesn’t last very long, you can have fun with colours in a way that is not practical with gels. You do have to consider your likely outfits for the ensuing few days – Scary Red does not work with teal – but this is doable.
Let’s face it; the only downside of polish is drying time. Yes, you can buy the 50-second speed dry products, but have you noticed they generally come in colours designed for colour-blind twelve-year-olds? I’m talking Radioactive Tangerine and Hypothermia Blue. While Scary Red clashes with teal, these shades clash with everything in your wardrobe and your skin colour. Also, these products are of such poor quality that they chip halfway through your Monday morning team meeting and you spend the rest of the day picking at the edges of the ruined varnish until you look as though you have little continents floating on your nails. The only thing worse than Acid Tutti-frutti is scungy, hacked Acid Tutti-frutti in the shape of South America.
Salvation is at hand.
Sally Hansen’s Insta-Dri Speed Dry Drops claim to make all the layers of any type of polish touch dry in 30 seconds and completely dry in five minutes. When I read the box, I wasn’t so much convinced as desperate (nails in disarray, dinner date in ninety minutes). So, feeling like Jack (of beanstalk fame), I dutifully handed my dosh to the Priceline checkout chick in return for a few measly Priceline points (that may, one day, buy me half an eye shadow applicator) and the magic drops.
I’ll cut to the chase. I didn’t do my dough. Much to my astonishment, the product actually freaking worked.
After five minutes, the (Antique Rose Gold) polish and (High Gloss) top coat was, indeed, dry. Granted, it was still a little soft, so I wouldn’t have wanted to go and skin a chicken or clean the oven, but my nails were absolutely fine for picking up a wine glass and wielding cutlery.
At around 17 bucks, I’m here to tell you, this stuff is a busy girl’s best friend.
But Of course all would acknowledge that the true secret to a wonder set is the skill of the applicator....